Phuket: Crocodile catch startles Similan sport fishermen

A Happy New Year to all my Ofishinadoe friends – “And may yer tackle rarely fanckle.” When newbie’s come to Phuket Island and get over their culture shock, they regularly ask. “What’s big game fishing like?” I often answer, “Its 90% relaxation 8% adrenalin and 2% sheer terror”. To prove my point, there is a…


Phuket International Sports-fishing Tournament: the secret of (El) Dorado

Hi once again my fellow Ofishinadoes. P.I.S.T.  The Phuket International Sports-fishing Tournament Well P.I.S.T. 2012 got off with its usual bang from the starters firework although many of the boats on the first day reported fishing was a bit of a damp squib. I was even said to me by a friend who knows I…