Budget Fishing in Phuket Video 1
Eric and Jerry from Singapore on a day trip on Mena 3
Ahoy me hearties and welcome to another month of Pirate Jimmy’s ramblings. A couple of months ago I wrote about the El Nino affect which unfortunately for the PGFC’s (Phuket Game Fishing Club) annual competition was still causing unseasonal weather which seemed to have lured all the billfish down here to Chalong rather than their…
Hi once again me fellow Fisheroos, Once more, me old shipmates, fishing was curtailed by the weather and on the one trip out, toward the end of the month, we had one hit from a Sail which lasted all of 3 minutes and nothing else. Great to be out again but quite disappointing really, when…
Welcome aboard me fellow fishing fumblers. The beginning of the month saw the usual nightly thunderstorms a few of which were quite hefty. It reminded me of driving up to the Big Buddha, a few years ago, for one of the most spectacular views of nature’s fireworks in action, a truly awe-inspiring experience. November also…
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