How to tell when its swell at sea

How to tell when its swell at sea

Firstly, it is inadvisable to book a charter prior to knowing the weather conditions in advance, and five days should give a reasonably accurate prediction. Fishing around Phuket often dramatically improves after a good “stir-up” but that doesn’t mean your trip has to be an uncomfortable experience since many Thai boats will go out with…

Fishing News Phuket March 2014

Fishing News Phuket March 2014

Well my fellow Ofishinados, these unrelenting winds refuse to leave our shores and persist much later, beyond the seasonal mid-day doldrums, making our sport much more challenging and downright uncomfortable at times with plenty of burley “sea-sick”, knitting “tangled lines” to the uninitiated and permanently wet shorts. On the few breaks, earlier in the Month,…

February Fishing

February Fishing

Well my fellow Fisheroos. Early February brought us the “joke of the month”, once again involving the Chalong Pier’s ongoing cock-up chronicles. In order to alleviate congestion at the end of the pier, some bright spark decided to place a chain across the pier just beyond the “Marina Bump” forcing the buses to reverse, perilously,…