June Fishing News
Well Shipmates
That’s us passed the second month of the monsoon season (June) and once again conditions meant fishing was limited to a few days between some pretty serious squalls. I am often asked “What’s the best time of the year for fishing.” To which I regularly reply. “Get out when you can. Fishing is the most popular participant sport in the world because it’s a “no lose” activity, you either catch or you learn. Either way it’s better than being scuppered in dry dock.”
There are so many forms of fishing that there’s something for everyone, from a pole off the end of the pier to what I consider the pinnacle of our sport “Big Game Fishing” for billfish which here in Phuket means Sailfish or if you’re lucky Marlin. While I appreciate there are those who would disagree and would explain how “Fly Fishing” is on the verge of being an art form, while others, mostly HK and Singapore types, frantically “Jig” their way to exhaustion.
Fresh water (river and lake), salt water, beach casting and even ice fishing are all just a few examples of recreational fishing. Beyond this there are all the different methods for each, add to that your knots and your tackle and it’s a hobby that lasts a lifetime. They say fishermen catch fish and tackle shops catch fishermen. Yes it’s all part of the biggest game in the world.
Joke of the month

“Thailand’s sole deep-water tsunami-warning buoy is out of action and will not be replaced until November, but is no cause for alarm, the National Disaster Warning Center (NDWC) told The Phuket News today (June 20)”. On making further enquiries as regard the NDWC comment, I was told. “Their I.Q. results turned out negative, so everything must be fine”. 555
Also in the news
We have once again been visited by one of the best “line” fishermen on the planet, the infamous Portuguese Man-O-War. Contrary to popular belief the Man-O-War or Bluebottle as the Asian / Pacific variety is called, is not a jellyfish, but another strange creature called a Siphonophoce which has a bladder for a sail and stinging tentacles “fishing lines” of up to 30 meters long hanging from its keel. Last year as I was pulling in a hand line there was a very small amount of “snot” on the line which touched the heel of my hand and believe me you know when you have met one of these painful playmates. It was like getting lashed with the cat (Cat-O-Nine tails, pirate punishment) and I only experienced a tiny amount of tentacle on my line. I can’t imagine swimming into one, shiver me timbers. Even dead, washed up on the beach, be aware they are still dangerous with some countries even closing beaches when they arrive. 10,000 Aussies every year go through this painful ordeal, proving what a hardy lot they are. Another great reason for turtle conservation as turtles eat Men-O-War (or is it Man-O-Wars)?
Fishing club news
Early in the month the PGFC (Phuket Game Fishing Club) had an emergency meeting which to all intents and purposes met to discuss the resignation of Warren Crowe who has run ‘’OUR” fishing competition since its conception. While the election of office bearers was deferred to the end of the month, it was decided the club would carry on running the competition. When asked why he resigned, Warren replied “I have run the competition with little or no help from the committee and all I got in return was derisory and possibly slanderous remarks, so I decided to run the competition independently of the club, and the club is welcome to join in or do what it likes. I already have 10 boats booked and confirmed for the 1/2/3rd March for the Thailand 2017 Classic and have the biggest sponsor to date, plus as usual, the Phuket News.” Does anyone else believe in the old adage? “A camel is a horse, designed by a committee?” Watch this space.
Tight lines to all
Thailand 2017 “Classic” Sport Fishing Tournament
Come & join us on 1st -3rd March 2017 for our 8th successive Year of 3 non-stop days of fishing in Asia’s Premium Sport Fishing Tournament.
Fish the beautiful waters off Phuket. Including Koh Rok Islands and their bounty of “billfish” or run out to the “drop off” chasing a big pelagic.
Then troll back to Racha Islands and watch the “dance” of the sail fish. Don’t forget to Tag & Release them>>>>
Celebrate your trophy winning fish with us at our Presentation Dinner at the fabulous Kan Eang Pier Restaurant
for a sumptuous seafood buffet with free flowing wine & beer.
Where you can tell your story of the “one” that did not get away!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huge cash & prizes to be won. Including magnificent trophies.
For further information, & boats available.
Please email Warren Crowe at thailandclassic2017@gmail.com
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