Phuket Fishing in October
Well Maties, that’s it official this “low” season has been the worst on record, while amazingly T.I.T. the fishing, when we could get out, was up there with the best. So now we can look forward to Loy Katong and the start of the high season, which to the fishing fraternity means, the “Phuket News” sponsored “PSD Fishing Competition”. So guys this could be your last chance to register and book a boat.
Now, after last season’s very successful venture up into the “Burma Banks” I have been advised “M.V. Thai 2 On” is once again undertaking this amazing fishing opportunity for their clients, starting around the middle of February any parties interested in fishing this world renowned Bill Fishing area should get in contact as soon as possible in order for Ian, the owner, to work out his schedule and the logistics of once again taking the boat from Phuket into Myanmar’s “Burma Banks” and its world class fishing.

Any interested parties looking for information on Thai 2 On and the “Burma Banks” are welcome to contact me and I will be happy to forward previously published information on the “Banks”. Not for the lily livered, serious fishing!
Keelhaul the swab!
I must apologise to the members of the Phuket Fishing & Boating Assn. The PF&BA’s Facebook page did not allow free access which was the whole point of the exercise, so everyone could check into who wants to share, rent, buy or sell boats, the issue “I think”, has been resolved. I obviously was having one of my “senior” moments. I think? Maybe? Where was I? By way of saying sorry I have added Knottty bits – Enjoy. Keep a weather eye open, might be good news in the works.
Catfish have stingers located on their whiskers. 555 - What a load o’crab!
There is a myth among these “fresh” water fishermen that catfish “sting”, so this old “salty” will tell ya the facts. The dorsal and pectoral fins actually carry a mild venom which can feel like a sting, especially in smaller, younger fish where the leading edge of the fins are sharper and more likely to scratch/break the skin. So if you do ever get “cat nipped” try this old remedy, rub the infected area of your hand on the fish’s belly and you will be amazed how quickly the discomfort goes away.
Another old myth we regularly hear repeated is bananas are bad luck on a boat. Although many sailors will agree with this statement the truth goes way back to sailing ship days, when they took on provisions, bananas would “spoil” contaminating any other fruits and vegies in their vicinity, as they quickly ripened. This was later compounded by steam ships refusing to carry bananas in their holds as the gasses emitted by the ripening cargoes occasionally led to them blowing their lids with a bang. Although I don’t believe in all this silly superstitious nonsense, please, please, please leave your bananas at home – On land they are great after a day’s fishing, for you rarely notice the isometric exercise you are getting on a boat and nanas are very good for stopping leg cramps which are common after exertion in hot climates such as Phuket.

This week’s photo, while not being local was so good I felt it had to be shared especially as Drones have added a whole new dimension to fishing. Brilliant!
This week’s Phuket News :- Unregistered drones are now banned in Thailand - A tax on the sport of “Aerial Fishing Photography” - and I’m meant to be a pirate?
And finally in the “News this Month”, I see a killer whale is back of the coast. Quickly followed by:- 100,000 Baht fines for smoking on the beaches –and- 2,000B fines for polluting a klong. “Wonder where klongs go?” So it’s obvious where the big predators will be patrolling. Watch out guys. Travel P.O.S.H. and don’t feed the fish.
Tight lines
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