December Fishing News 2015

December Fishing News 2015

Hi once again me fellow fisheroos. Mid December continued to see some quite serious storms despite the tourism chappie’s claims that it’s now “high” season. Probably a better term would be the “Kite Boarders” windy spring. Ignoring “Christmas” as it is now politically incorrect in my country to mention “Christmas” in case I offend someone,…

Fishing News October 2015
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Fishing News October 2015

Greeting and salutations my fellow fisher-folk, it’s great to be back. Sad to say, I may not be attending the upcoming Phuket “Classic” Fishing Competition as the “powers that be” in my absence, decided to save money and not have a weigh-in-boat / mother-ship thereby ruling out single engine boats with no sleeping accommodation. Personally…