Budget Fishing in Phuket Video 2
Eric and Jerry from Singapore on a day trip on Mena 3
Ahoy me hearties, November got off to a very unusual start with one charter for a group of bird watchers who took a box full of the smelliest “burly” imaginable out to the “drop off” not for the fish but to view the local sea birds. As it was a fishing boat they trolled a…
Well me Hearties, all the best for 16 and hope you’ve all recovered from the festivities. Last month I wrote about Flying Fish and not to be outdone, this month, Mad Mohally, Barry and the crew of Mena 1 reported numerous sightings of flying Manta Rays, huge rays 4/5 meters across leaping out of the…
A vast and belay me hearties, lend me a lug. This month’s tale goes a bit further afield than usual, to the world renowned fishing-ground “The Burma Banks” where “Thai 2 On” spent the earlier part of the month, with Laust Bendiksen, Steve Dickson our own marauding mariner, Ian Tubby and his crew who ventured…
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