June Fishing News
Now hark to me fable, me beauties.
Early in the month, June, there were Sailfish galore it’s just a pity the same can’t be said for the fishing tourists who, in contradiction to the official tourist figures, are most definitely in short supply. So “Charlie don’t surf” springs to mind.
The fish were that plentiful that Fish Eagle (photo) once again proved her billfish mastery with two triple and one quadruple hook-up, with all the Sails released, great skills - magnificent fishing. It just goes to prove the high season for fishin, ain’t the high season for tourists.
Quick question – When you catch and release do you think the fish go back and tell their pals “I was abducted by aliens?”
(banner pic) Andrew ”Fish Eagle” and the team working on a “triple”. Notice the ideal fishing conditions, overcast with rain in the distance, beautiful.
(pic) Me old Mate Neill celebrating 14 Sails caught and released on Fish Eagle

(pic) Yours-truly having a “mermaid on the Rocks” courtesy of Melanie the Gypsy frightener
Tuna were also here in abundance all roundabout the 1 -2 K mark and here we call them long fin (Albacore) and short fin (Skipjack/Bonito). Longfin Tuna is the best for Sashimi/Sushi as it is a softer meat and less slick than the shortfin which being a tougher more oily meat is best for using as bait especially if you are bottom fishing for Red Snapper or in conjunction with a “skirt” for the bigger pelagic game fish including Sails.
The long-awaited Chalong Tunnel is “now” down and running, very pretty, my trip to the pier is now minutes instead of millennia, just in time for a young, old friend to arrive with a gang of her pals from Glasgow University “Marine Dept.” doing their thesis /thesiss/thesi - whatever. A few years ago Melanie scared the bejeesus out of the local Sea Gypsies in one of her legless moments (Pic enclosed) man, that was a birthday party and a half. I nearly blew ma-heed-af. - How was an old pirate meant to know in Thailand you buy fuses as an extra?
Staying on strange facts, did you know? An octopus actually has two legs and six arms with one of these arms possibly being the male organ. - So it’s not 8 legs. And the blood of an octopus is “blue” because it is copper based as opposed to our iron based “red” blood. Now, that will help you catch a lot more fish.
As usual, tight lines to all
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