Mena One Budget Fishing Boat
Setting off on a deep sea fishing trip aboard Mena One fishing troller, one of our budget fishing boats.
Right now fishing in Phuket has never been better, everything, with the exception of Wahoo, being caught regularly. The island even got a mention in Marlin Magazine, “Phuket, one of the world’s best Sailfishing destinations”. As the month progressed I had the opportunity of going out, luckily rain-free – surprising as it is now “high”…
A Fab Feb to all you Fisher Folk. There seems to be a massive increase of police road blocks recently which I assume is the Thai’s response to the horrendous road accident figures, but considering the amount of howling ambulances screaming by my door I don’t feel this approach is working, especially when you consider…
Hi once again me fellow Fisheroos, Once more, me old shipmates, fishing was curtailed by the weather and on the one trip out, toward the end of the month, we had one hit from a Sail which lasted all of 3 minutes and nothing else. Great to be out again but quite disappointing really, when…
Hi once again my ofishinado friends. Well, what a start to May. Firstly a visit to our local waters by a “super” pod of dolphins and secondly the highest tide for years. While out with the boys (I use the term loosely) from The Dilligaf Bar, Rawai and after catching over a dozen fair sized…
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