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July Phuket Fishing News
Ahoy once again Shipmates Prior to the big mid-month storm, excellent fishing reports came in from Neill C. on Fish Eagle with a good sized Sailfish, Fish Eagle also released a young Black Marlin, while Ali a pal from Qatar landed a nice King and Queen with Mena 1. and all the boats seemed to…

July Phuket Fishing Report
Hi once again me fellow Fisheroos, Once more, me old shipmates, fishing was curtailed by the weather and on the one trip out, toward the end of the month, we had one hit from a Sail which lasted all of 3 minutes and nothing else. Great to be out again but quite disappointing really, when…

Phuket Fishing January 2017
Ahoy me Hearties, The main topic of conversation at the beginning of the month remained to be the weather, as the “winter” continued to encroach on what should be “summer” leaving much of the South of Thailand under water and conditions at sea – sure flushed the scuppers. It’s quite common for the local fishermen…

October Fishing News in Phuket
Hi once again my fellow Fisheroos. October arrived with a vengeance, 3 meter plus waves and 60kph westerly’s which once again brought all the debris in from the Indian Ocean and as usual some of the biggest catches were “plastic”. This may sound like bad news but at this time of year, it’s an ill…
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