September Fishing Report
Mid-month we were surprised on how many boats went out considering the weather which was only fit for oilskins and sou-westers, this plus the severe lack of tourists not counting the Chinese hoards whose buses in conjunction with the traffic management system exasperates the massive traffic problems at the Chalong Circle construction site, which is the only “bus” access to the pier and parking.
It’s great to be able to advise everyone that all the boats who did get out and “report in“ described excellent fishing with Tuna, Dorado and King Mac’s being the most prevalent catch with jigging pulling in a few GT’s off Racha Noi and the Sails are still out there boys, moving north-east from Racha.
At the end of last month just after I had submitted my previous article, Ian Tubby of “Thai 2 On” fame sent me a report from “Malinda” and a picture (right =>) of one of the biggest King Macs seen locally for a long time 20kgs caught by his pal Uli off “Green Island” Raya, one of three caught that day.

Not to be outdone Mena 1 reported, 2 - Sails, 1 – very large Rainbow, 6 - Dorado and over a dozen good sized Tuna, as Paul Long single-handedly filled the ice box. (right =>)
While nature continues to empty Davy Jones’s locker over Phuket, this is NOTHING compared to the other numerous and uncommon disasters world-wide. All this while America continues to remain in the throes of a nasty bout of the DT’s as their C.I.C. continues to believe global warming is a Chinese hoax. Is he waiting for the water to be up to the mark on the Washington Monument before he reconsiders his stand on fossil fuels? At least he now knows that NATO is not an operation on the foot.

Eric Smulders and his mate David Caduhal took out Eric’s young grandson (boat not named) and pulled in a King Mac just under the 20kg mark, a dangerous beastie at 1.47m with a mouth and teeth to match (<= left). Proving once again, big game fishing is all about adrenalin. Bet that had yer pump working overtime guys, time for a beer.

Staying with America, did you know that you can get a certificate from M.I.T. - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - one of the top educational institutions in the U S of A who will certify you as a Pirate? – Seriously - No Joke - check it out - Certificate enclosed with the name changed, ”to protect the innocent” and it’s not from Khao San Road either. From what I can gather, following torturous enquiries is that: - if you can sail, fence, fire a pistol and shoot an arrow to their standards, according to MIT’s literature you are certifiable. Sounds like the Press Gang just ran out of boats looking for pressed labour and found a nice new earner.
To all me fishin buddies, a pirate question:- “If you could marry a super model, or go fishing every day, what would you choose:- salt water or fresh?” This is an excellent example of “pirate philosophy” which is “The phine art oph philling the brain with phact-phree conjecture.” Which reminds me, I’ll have to get my teeph phixed? Bet you didn’t know pirates once had wooden wallies “false teeth” to eat with, made by the ship’s carpenter and if the prices here keep going up I might be looking for a wee bit of mahogany which unlike monogamy is relatively common here.
While on the subject of old and decrepit it was Jez’s birthday at the end of last month and many of the worthies from the fishing fraternity turned up at Chalong Fishing Park to celebrate his half century along with a few certified (able) dignitaries such as myself, thanks to all. Jez also hosted the monthly fishing competition, with Walkabout Bar just nicking the No 1. Slot leaving the “Black Spot” for the Blind Pews of “The Islander” which actually caught more fish and the biggest thanks to Tony a first time angler who ran away with the prize for most fish and biggest fish. Weef was the man of the match for the “Walkabout” who accumulated more points due to the variety of fish caught which were “recorded” on a points system. The next competition is scheduled for the 6th of October, so come see me at “Jimmy’s Drift Inn” or Jez at the fishing park to register.
Once again me hearties, tight lines and keep yer powder dry.
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